Student Education News

Seabirds and fisheries — seabirds and windfarms — tropical forest biodiversity and management

Seabirds and fisheries — seabirds and windfarms — tropical forest biodiversity and management
Research by Dr Keith Hamer on the foraging and breeding ecology has had impact in the understanding of interactions between seabirds and fisheries.

Research by Dr Keith Hamer on the foraging and breeding ecology of kittiwakes, skuas and gannets, has had impact in the understanding of interactions between seabirds and fisheries. This has had policy relevance in terms of the closure of a North Sea sandeel fishery (the only case so far where a fishery has been closed because of impacts on non-target species) and changes in fisheries discarding practices.

This research is also relevant to decisions made regarding development of marine wind farms – Dr Hamer has been involved in advising a marine wind farm company on the locations of new wind farms to minimise disruption to seabirds.

1st November 2012