Further to recent success at the FBS Symposium, Dr Jim Tiernan a member of the Bionanotechnology group who works between FBS & LIMM was awarded 1st place for his presentation on his work in detection tools for Colorectal cancer.
This year the Millner group were extremely successful in the annual symposium held within the Faculty. The symposium aims to provide a platform for the wide variety or researchers within the faculty to showcase their research enabling wider collaborative efforts and increased dialogue across the department. This year Natalie Hirst won 1st place within the School for Biomedical Sciences for her talk on "Biosensors for the detection of anastomotic leak" . Also Jack Goode won 1st place within the school for his research poster on the Regeneration of Impedimetric Immunosensors.
This award has been granted for the development and characterisation of nanomaterials for biosensors and biocatalysts. This project aims to strengthen academic links between India and the UK. The project is between the Bionanotechnology group here at Leeds and a similar group based at the prestigous KK-BIRLA- University based on their campus in Goa, India working with Dr Sunil Bhand. The funding will enable the two way exchange of research students from 2013-2014 for collaborative research projects and knowledge sharing.
Natalie presented her research to both scientists and non-scientists competing with PhD students from across the entire university and secured second place.View more on the university postgraduate competion website
- Doug Pike who works as a collaborative student between the Bionanotechnology group and mechanical engineering has recently resulted in a publication in the journal Sensors. The research focussed on the optimisation of microfluidic cell design. These new cells enable the fast exchange of fluids in the cell which is particularly useful for biosensor applications.
Elisha systems Ltd. the brainchild of Dr. Tim Gibson has recently won a TSB Grant to develop a prototype for a rapid field MRSA test with PROMPT-Plus. The end product will be aimed at targetting resistant infectious bacteria in medical and healthcare settings.