Secrets for Successful Study 2023/2024

Week 4: How to write scientific reports effectively.

Tuesday 18th October 12:00pm (Venue to be announced)

By week 4 and 5, most programmes across the Faculty will start to introduce practical and writing scientific reports based on the results. This session will cover how to write a report effectively (Dr Charlotte Haigh). What details to find in advance such as assessment guidelines and qualitative criteria. It will also cover the Harvard style of referencing.

5 TOP TIPS for writing a scientific report effectively

  1. Make sure you are familiar with the guidelines for writing the report, including deadlines (both time and date), page/word limit, style expected etc
  2. Read through the qualitative criteria for assessment of level 1 reports so you have an idea what the marker is looking for. This is a long document, but the criteria are in the appendix at the back
  3. Make sure you write the report in the correct tense, and spellcheck all the words
  4. Aim to finish writing it a few days before the deadline to allow for a break and re-read again to identify any errors
  5. Make sure you reference any material from books or academic journals in the appropriate style: the faculty uses the Harvard style of referencing.

More helpful links

Different writing styles between an essay and report.

How a report should be structured.

WikiHow resources about writing reports and conclusions.

A good checklist to go through before you hand in your report.

Information about plagiarism from the University of Leeds which we will discuss in more detail in the session.